Church of God Logo

About Our Church


Welcome to the Church of God website. We are a non-denominational body of believers whose purpose is to live in accordance to the fullness of God's Word. The Church of God evening light saints seek to glorify God in every aspect of life.

Our Faith

The Bible is our singular rule of faith. It teaches salvation and deliverance from sin through the atonement of Jesus Christ; a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit to lead, direct and empower; daily, practical holiness; and the unity and oneness of God's people. The Church of God observes the three Biblical ordinances of full immersion baptism, feet washing, and the Lord's supper. Acceptable service to God is through a personal relationship of love founded in truth.

God's one, universal church is composed of all people who have repented of their sins and are walking with newness of life in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is the founder and active head of the Church of God on the earth and it is governed by the Spirit of God. The headquarters of the church is in Heaven and membership is attained through a spiritual birth.

Our Worship

Our singing is a capella and we worship in "Spirit and in Truth" seeking to honor and exalt Christ. The saints are an humble people who dress modestly and whose love is for the things of God rather than for the things of this world.

Our Mission

Our mission on earth is to fulfill Christ's commandment in evangelizing the world by word and conduct.

In a time of religious compromise and false doctrine, our prayer is that the Biblical truths presented here will be a challenge and a blessing. The light of truth continues to shine in the evening time.

Come fellowship with us in a godly, loving atmosphere of unity and oneness in truth.